Monday, May 12, 2008

The end is nigh, but the revolution is coming!

Well this is it bloggers, the final post... How depressing that sounds, but fear not. This constitutes simply the ending of my KCB201 academic blogging career, the assignment, now completed is in the past. But I have now been introduced to the world of blogging and like any true 'user' I am hooked. I hope my fellow colleagues in the subject are the same, for it would be sad to see them leave. The trials and tribulations can now subside (and let me promise you this, there have been some doozies! - maybe more on this at a later date). The therapeutic qualities of the medium have kept me sane, and I apologise for the random rants, actually scrap that, no I don't. You logged on at the beginning without knowing the monkey behind the keyboard, whilst you may still not know me perse, you certainly have some insight. The future of this blog may now lead anywhere, the possibilities are endless and that is both daunting and exciting at the same time. I may continue some of the ideas I explored in my previous blogs, because yes, I did actually become incredibly interested in some of the content, and the freedom I have to carry the ideas wherever I want. But I am willing to tap to the rhythm of the keyboard and see what scroll out onto the screen... I hope you wait with baited anticipation...

The Brendam Revolution is coming...


Chorazy said...

Brendam! Your first ever comment! That is weird that the comment function is disabled for your other blog posts.

Lady Em said... nerd...thats all i got.

- said...

Viva La Revolution?

Samara said...

comment comment comment comment comment. Just cos i can :-)