Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Facebook faux par!

To truly understand the context of this rant I suggest you read Axel's Snurblog:
Social Networks on Ning: A Sensible Alternative to Facebook
And the comments attached.

I'm noticing a trend with Axel and Facebook, he hates it and its popularity, and he believes that there are many better alternatives out there... Ok, yes that is probably true and a very valid argument has been made. By no means do I mean to sound cynical of Axel's argument. But in-fact at first I did indeed disagree quite strongly with his viewpoint. I felt that he simply was not 'into' the whole social networking scene, and therefore did not appreciate the software for what it is. But since my first viewing Elyse has fronted the issue of Facebook friendship, much in the same manner that I too would have tackled the issue. She posted the comment that I was too busy (perhaps read gutless) to do. But, and here is the clincher, I was not prepared for the come-back that Axel would post. He is right. Facebook simply is not the 'best' out there, it's damn close, but still it misses the mark. I am sure that other issues like limited profiles, and friend groups and the likes all come into play but it simply doesn't reach the mark of where we want to be. But can you blame it, I mean really both Facebook and MySpace are really fledglings in the great online social networking sphere, so who are we to get angry at them. Instead it is us the merely need to develop the better alternatives or additives that these programs need, ahh the beauty of open software and web 2.0. Anyway I could rant for hours here and this is not where I first imagined this blog taking me, so now I digress to maybe one-day come back and finish this part... another one of the great capabilities of produsage and the internet... its never finished! So how do we know when we're done?

Anyway what I really wanted to bring to light here is what I think is the main reason behind the success of Facebook and MySpace, and the failure of the rest (that I am sure are out there). They lack flair! Attention and marketability. Sadly that is what everything is about nowadays, unless its marketable, then sorry it ain't gonna sell. No way will anything unmarketable find its way into the hearts and minds of those who care. Sad but true; or so it seems. Facebook and MySpace have it made, they don't need to identify the niche markets, we do it for them! Our demographics are plainly and nakedly laid out for the corporate promoter to purvey, and exploit as they see fit. And the great thing is they know it is going directly to their identified target market. Any social networking site that doesn't have this, the ones that are truly designed for the users, are left in the 'bargain bin'. They are perceived as cheap and inferior quality alternatives that should be avoided in case they carry germs. Without promotional backing, sheer prominence cannot be achieved.

People, it's time! I love my Facebook and my MySpace, but perhaps it is time to start searching for greener pastures. Lets just hope the sheep-like promoters don't follow.

(Can anyone else notice the irony here, especially given that I am an advertising student???)

So yes I feel to avoid claims of hypocrisy, YES, I do also think this is an amazing advancement in the advertising world, and if, and only IF, it is used correctly, I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship... Do you accept?