Web 2.0 and how YOU can advertise and win! Try YUWIE -its members get paid... A radical new age take on how to earn money, and how advertisiers are aware of decreasing foot-traffic, but increased 'click-traffic'.
Yuwie-Info.com, How to Make Money on a Social Network!
A professionals ideas on what Web 2.0 advertsing does for a business.
Boost your Business with Web 2.0 Advertising
This one is my favorite. I think it absolutely epitomises the effect of internet not only on culture but also advertising. A look at the real strategies that promoters can take in our new media world. An eye opening look at the future, Highly Reccomeneded.
Leo Burnett / Arc Predictions, Future Trends in Advertising
Not only did these give me some opitimism, they also spawned some pessimistic views aswell, which I hope to address at a later date, so unitl then. This is me signing out.