Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Internet Salesman, but wait, theres more...

I was going to take an advertising perspective within this blog, but it soon turenoud out that my tastes are so eclectic in this subject that the matter simply kept getting pushed aside. So here are some really interesting links to look at. They encompass the future of advertising as the world of promotion collides in an spectacular way with the world of the internet via convergence. Enjoy.

Web 2.0 and how YOU can advertise and win! Try YUWIE -its members get paid... A radical new age take on how to earn money, and how advertisiers are aware of decreasing foot-traffic, but increased 'click-traffic'., How to Make Money on a Social Network!

A professionals ideas on what Web 2.0 advertsing does for a business.

Boost your Business with Web 2.0 Advertising

This one is my favorite. I think it absolutely epitomises the effect of internet not only on culture but also advertising. A look at the real strategies that promoters can take in our new media world. An eye opening look at the future, Highly Reccomeneded.

Leo Burnett / Arc Predictions, Future Trends in Advertising

Not only did these give me some opitimism, they also spawned some pessimistic views aswell, which I hope to address at a later date, so unitl then. This is me signing out.